The 5 Elements of Success – copy link to share by text
Step 2 - Your Daily Method of Operation (DMO)
1. CONNECT with people … before presenting
2. PIQUE INTERESTwith something like this:
“I have seen something that is unique and has never been done before”
“Are you open to another source of income, if it makes sense?”
Do you think we will ever have another recession? Did the last one affect you or anyone you know? Wouldn’t it be wise to have another source of income?
OR – I’ve found the one we’ve been looking for! When do you have 20 minutes?
3. SEND VIDEO Ask if I send you a 6-minute video, will you let me know if it appears too good to be true? (then send them Your First Look Video link OR send them to
NEXT VIDEO The 5 Elements of Success is on the next page of First Look (or copy the link above)
4. FOLLOW-UPand take appropriate action after they watch the video
schedule an in home presentation or a one on one zoom
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